Who We Are

Based out of Los Angeles, California, the Sunflower Seed Foundation is right in the heart of the American film industry. A registered 501(c)(3) non-profit operating for educational and cultural purposes, the SSF aims to run programs that place up and coming female filmmakers from Saudi Arabia in educational film workshops in America, as well as in short-term positions in American film and television production companies.

Our Mission

Validate the talents and dreams of female filmmakers from Saudi Arabia by creating and providing opportunities for them in the American film industry and higher education system.

Board of Directors


USA Director of Operations

Hansel is a marketing professional, educator, and filmmaker based in Florida, USA. He also works for youth empowerment initiatives and enrichment programs across the US from Vermont to California. He works on feature films as a Set PA. Hansel prepares minutes from Board meetings, resolutions and board policies while aiding in the selection of filmmakers for the SSF’s Programs.



George works in the financial world and is based out of New York City. George has experience supporting and building capital for film projects with a careful analysis of budgets and detailing economic policies. He is responsible for steering financial planning and strategy while organizing major fundraising initiatives for the SSF.


Founder / Chairman

Blake oversees the organization’s operations and leads in partner relations while developing programs that provide both short and long term benefits to the filmmakers that participate in them. He lives in Los Angeles, California, and also works in writing and production for the Entertainment division of the Lego Group.

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